Bill Gates a zrod společnosti Microsoft. A Remarkable Journey

How is Bill Gates connected to Microsoft? Gates was born and raised in Seattle. In 1975, he and Allen founded Microsoft in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It later became the world's largest personal computer software company. Další informace najdete na Spoluzakladatel společnosti Microsoft Corporation a známý americký podnikatel, vývojář softwaru a filantrop Bill Gates. Obdivuhodné … Číst dál

Howard Oakley. Všestranný umělec a vědec

Who is Howard Oakley? Howard Oakley is currently a developer of Mac software and is the founder of The Eclectic Light Company. Howard started life keenly interested in medicine, attended Oxford, and spent most of his career with the British Royal Navy as a doctor, ascending to the rank of Surgeon Commander. Cached Další informace … Číst dál

Tim Cook. Cesta k pozici generálního ředitele společnosti Apple

Kdo je majitel Apple? Apple Apple Inc. Výsledek hospodaření 99,8 mld. $ (2022) 94,7 mld. $ (2021) Celková aktiva 351 mld. $ (2021) 323,9 mld. $ (2020) Zaměstnanci 154 000 (2021) Majitelé Government Pension Fund Global (9,7 %) Berkshire Hathaway (7,4 %) Vanguard Group (6,6 %) BlackRock (6,3 %) Další informace najdete na Vzestup … Číst dál

Howard Baskerville. Americký mučedník v Persii

Who was the American hero in Iran? Growing up in Iran, Reza Aslan heard a lot about Howard Baskerville. He was a national hero, “the American Lafayette,” who died fighting in Iran's Constitutional Revolution in the early 20th century. Schools were named after him, and his grave in the city of Tabriz was a place … Číst dál